Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Statesman so far...

In a word — productive. I was assigned to sports, I'm working currently on a story for the business section, and my main assignments have been at the metro desk. My main concern is spreading my writing thin. I love the fact that I can go up to any desk and, pretty much immediately, start working on a story.

Drew's been really great. He tentatively assigned me to sports, as they had a spare desk. At first, he pressured me into taking a sports focus, but I slowly drifted towards the metro desk and have been going to Andy (the metro editor) for all my story assignments/ideas. Drew was just happy to see me getting something out of the internship. But I'm not giving up on sports. I've never done any sports journalism. So, tomorrow I'm heading to the Pflugerville/Georgetown game tomorrow with one of the sportswriters.